ASI's 2011 The Professional Buyer's Guide Hot Off The Press

The go-to catalogue for the Canadian marketplace now available with full-colour imprinting

TREVOSE, PAFebruary 10, 2011 – The Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) today announced the availability of copies of the fast-selling 2011 The Professional Buyer’s Guide.

The full-size, elegantly photographed guide features select products from elite suppliers in all categories across all price ranges. Guaranteed circulation is 50,000, and ASI has already received pre-orders totaling nearly 39,000 copies. Pricing is in Canadian funds.

The catalog features numerous categories, from antibacterial products, auto accessories and awards to watches, whistles and wine accessories. Hundreds of products are showcased, from only the most-preferred and best suppliers in the Canadian market, with easy-browsing price and product indexes.

The 2011 The Professional Buyer’s Guide features:

  • Full-colour imprinting on the cover.
  • Quick-response code technology for smartphones to deliver additional info and specials.
  • Numerous Canadian-made products, from apparel to custom wooden boxes.
  • An exclusive selection of environmentally friendly “green” goods, including dinnerware.

With exclusive full-colour imprinting, The Professional Buyer’s Guide can now include the distributor’s colour logo and contact information on the cover any time throughout the year.  Distributors can create a personalized marketing approach to differentiate themselves from their competition, build strong brand awareness and create a more professional image for clients.

“Every year, The Professional Buyer’s Guide sells out,” said Timothy M. Andrews, president and chief executive officer of ASI. “This year our pre-sales are even stronger, and for good reason – distributors are loving the full-colour imprinting and 120 pages of product ideas. Many say it’s already increased their sales.”

Distributors should include catalogues in their marketing mix, since research shows that they remain a proven advertising vehicle. According to a recent study of end-buyers, paper catalogues drive 93% of purchasing decisions. Further, the ASI study shows that 91% of the time, recipients take action as a result of something they noticed in a paper catalogue, with nearly half (49%) purchasing a product.   

Adding a full-colour logo on ASI catalogues is free. To see sample pages or order online, click here. For more information, contact Dan Brown, executive director of distributor services, at or at 800-546-1350. Distributors receive free shipping on orders placed by Monday, February 14.

About ASI Canada
The Advertising Specialty Institute is the largest education, media and marketing organization serving the advertising specialty industry, with a membership of over 26,000 distributor firms (sellers) and supplier firms (manufacturers) of advertising specialties. Supplier firms use ASI print and electronic resources to market products to over 23,000 ASI distributor firms. Distributor firms use ASI print and electronic resources, which contain nearly every product in the industry from more than 3,200 reputable suppliers, to locate supplier firms and to market services to buyers. ASI provides catalogs, information directories, newsletters, magazines, websites and databases, and offers e-commerce, marketing and selling tools. Visit ASI Canada online at and on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Fred and Leslie’s blog, and the ASI Social Network.

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