Crush Q1: Turn the Quarter into a Win for Your Promo Business
Two promo distributors that grew sales substantially in 2020 share strategies to turn Q1 2021 into a similar success.
The first quarter of 2021 is jangling the nerves of many distributors in the promotional products industry. And not without reason: The fourth quarter holiday sales surge is over, while the monumental business challenges presented by COVID-19 remain.
Christopher Faris, Boost Promotions, and Julie Woodall, Promotion Perfection powered by HALO, had stellar 2020s and have strong strategies in place to make 2021 a success.
Nonetheless, it’s possible to achieve success in the first quarter and beyond. In this podcast hosted by ASI Executive Editor Christopher Ruvo, which is adapted from a January 19 webinar, two distributors that engineered banner years in 2020 (despite the historic hurdles of the pandemic) share strategies for how they’ll execute similar success this year.
Podcast Chapters
1:28: Success in 2020.
7:36: Q1 Sales Strategies – lumpy mail, digging deeper into current clients, winning referrals, mining resources you already have for opportunities, and much more.
21:41: Adding new services that are complementary to promo.
23:41: Transitioning PPE clients to promo clients – and other pivotal marketing strategies, including highly specific targeting.
29:14: Hot products for Q1.
37:37: Building a strong presence on social media.
44:14: Yes, you can still have success with cold calling. Here’s how.
48:31: Building success throughout 2021.
54:13: Time management tips.
1.00.40: Why mindset matters most.
Julie Woodall is the owner of Wisconsin-based Promotion Perfection powered by HALO (asi/356000). Not only did she have an excellent 2020, she shared her business-building strategies with colleagues around the country, an act that earned her the nickname “The Rainmaker.”
Christopher Faris is the founder/CEO of Massachusetts-based Boost Promotions (asi/142942). As many businesses suffered last year, Faris found ways to not only adapt but thrive. This included orchestrating a seven-figure order of personal protective equipment for a convenience store company.
Listen to the podcast for important insights that will help fuel business growth at your distributorship this year.