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Top 40 Distributors 2022: No. 24 Touchstone

Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the distributors with the most revenue in the promo products market.


With nearly 30% growth last year, the Mason, OH-based distributorship led by founder/CEO Derek Block continues its robust rise through the Top 40 ranks. Beefing up its management team, the company recently hired industry vet Marty Engel as its EVP of sales. Regarding its continued meteoric sales growth, Block points to Touchstone's BrandEQ system for building merchandise execution for projects and/or collections. “The system is anchored deeply in strategy with sophistication, through building segmentation of customers with refined assortment planning and redefining the expectations of prospects and customers by integrating them into an intellectual co-authorship and co-ownership of their brands, with informed decisions around their brands’ execution,” he says. “This is the catalyst for Touchstone’s continued growth and success.”

Previous Rank: 26

2021 Revenue: $92.0

All revenue figures shown in $millions