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The Most Creative People In Promo: Rhea Aslin, SanMar

Presenting our inaugural list of the industry’s most inventive and resourceful talents. Get to know Rhea Aslin of SanMar (asi/84863).

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A military veteran, a former lawyer and an ex-NFL linebacker were arguing about the best decoration options for a tote bag. It’s not a joke – it happened at ASI Orlando a few years back, and it happens in the promo industry constantly, where people from all walks of life find new careers every day.

So when Rhea Aslin, senior director of brand management at SanMar, says her background is in fashion, you might say, “Duh, SanMar is one the biggest apparel suppliers around. What’s so surprising about that?”

Then Aslin lists the names: Pacific Sunwear, Lucky Brand Jeans, O’Neill. You know, fashion.

While promotional apparel usually lags behind retail, Aslin has used her experience to blaze a trail forward, keeping SanMar and its clients at the cutting edge of couture. One of the most valuable lessons from her time in the commercial world is the power of branding.

“People have certain expectations with a brand name, along with a level of authenticity and quality product,” Aslin says. Whether it was the down-low chill of PacSun or the rock-and-roll edge of Lucky Brand Jeans, brand integrity defined the clothing. “You can have the best brand name and the best marketing, but if your product doesn’t support both, it won’t succeed.”

That retail-inspired outlook was instrumental in the launch of SanMar’s District line. Taking a page from the authenticity playbook, Aslin and her team built a personality around each T-shirt collection, creating a distinct image to go with each piece. “As a result, our V.I.T. (Very Important Tee) is one of the most asked-for-by-name tees in our industry,” she says. “It goes right back to the marriage of the right product with the right name, and a team supporting its creation and launch. It all starts with a higher vision and that’s what I have to offer. That’s what drives me and fuels me.”

So where does a fashionista find her inspiration? The same place everyone finds everything today: “I’m constantly online – I never know if I’m going to be inspired by a photo, a show, an online magazine or a traditional trend service like WGSN,” Aslin says. Of course, you can’t fully appreciate the retail experience without a little retail therapy from time to time. “Shopping is second nature to me, and our team shops together. My phone is always out and ready to shoot something cool or different.”

In the fast-fashion world of 2018, staying creative with apparel is about looking for the next big thing. “I’m always thinking about the next product we can add,” Aslin says, noting that you can never get lazy – even when you’re lazing on the beach. “While on vacation in the Bahamas, I was inspired by what the lifeguards and resort staff were wearing,” she says. “It turned out to be inspiration for a concept we later introduced.”